AT HALF TIME 1M, 5F Comedy A park area near a basketball court Running time 20 minutesIt’s half-time, and the team in the Over 60 Women’s Basketball League, is losing 59-6 to a team of ancient nuns who have taken a vow of silence. This one-act is the basis of the full-length play, Old Broads Can’t Dunk.At Half Time is among the best selling and most performed one-acts published by Art Age (, It has been performed multiple times and was the winning play in the Senior Canadian Olympics competition in Vancouver. |
BAGELS (the one-act play) 1 M, 1 F Romantic comedy A living room Running time 20 minutes Two seniors meet through an Internet dating service, but did the computer make a mistake?The full-length play of the same title, BAGELS, was based on this one act. Seniors Jake and Rachel are matched by an Internet dating service. She comes back to his apartment to play Scrabble, but after the game he wants to go to bed with her. She refuses but has to spend the night because of a freak snowstorm. Is he successful to luring her to bed? Or did the computer just make a big mistake? |
BEGGARS 1M, 1 F Drama A park Running time 20 minutesWho’s the true beggar – she, the rescue worker collecting money for charity, or he, an ill-dressed man who asks her for money? She takes him as being homeless. But he asserts he is a true philosopher, having a graduate degree in philosophy. She refuses to give him money, but gradually they come to know each other better. Finally, she leaves him with her collection pot filled with money, so she can go home and change. Is he still there when she returns? Performed several times at different theaters as part of programs of one-acts. |
COPERNICUS Drama 1, either F or M, 30+ No set required Running time 10 minutesA person reflects on a former pet. Copernicus was the name of the cat that the character owned for many years when he/she was a young child. After many years Copernicus needed to be put down. The character reflects on a replacement. |
DISCUSSION AFTER THE PLAY READING 3 flexible Comedy Any room Running time 10 minutes A pompous playwright doesn’t seem to really hear what people are saying about his play.The previous week a play had been read at the theater company, but the play was so long there was no opportunity for discussion. So, it’s being held now. But, in addition to the pompous playwright, only two people show up for the discussion – the moderator and the director of the play, whom the playwright doesn’t quite recognize. |
FATHER-DAUGHTER Drama 1 F, 1 M Running time 15 minutesA concerned daughter tries to get depressed widower out of his funk. A distressed widower, almost estranged from his adult daughter is urged by his almost estranged but concerned daughter to develop an interest, including writing plays. Living room/dining room setting |
FLOWERS FOR ADAM 2 F Comedy A streetcorner Running time 12 minutesTwo young women meet at a street corner shrine for Adam, each claiming she was Adam’s true girlfriend.Two young women, students in high school or college, show up at the street corner shrine, replete with flowers, where Adam has been killed, hit by a car while he was trying to escort a blind girl across the street. One is a cheerleader, the other more studious. Each woman believes she was Adam’s girlfriend.Finalist in the Secret Rose 10-minute Play Contest. |
GRAVESIDE 1 M, age 60 Drama Cemetery Running time 15 minutesIIn this monologue play (a highly personal one to me) a man visits the grave of his mother, to break news about himself.In the process he reflects on the poor relationship he had with his father, buried nearby, and ultimately reaches an insight which turns his perspective upside down. Graveside was performed (by the writer) as part of the Misconceptions program of one-acts. |
HEAVENS 1 Male, age 35-45 Dramedy Either a coffeehouse or a park Running time 12 minutes A very observant Jew is stressed out because of his profession – flight controller.He is angry at his God for feeling this way. He gradually works out his feelings as he begins, unknowingly, to speak in verse. |
I DON’T BELIEVE AND I DON’T CARE 1 person, either gender, any age Dramedybr>The actor relates what he/she doesn’t believe or care about. But why is this being said? A monologue about caring and believing. But is it true? No set required Running time-7 minutes |
LIFEGUARDS 1 M, 2 F Dramedy Coffeehouse Running timeWho is the true lifeguard?A beach lifeguard with a terminal illness meets a bossy mother and her beautiful daughter at the coffeehouse. The three of them get to know each other as they talk. But who does the lifeguard connect with the most? And who is the true guardian of life? |
MEASURING 2 M Drama A park Running time 20 minutes Why is someone measuring the dimensions of a park bench?A homeless man sleeping on a park bench is awakened by a younger man who wants to measure the bench dimensions because he must find another bench just like it to meet the terms of the will of the man he thinks was his father. But who is his true father?Measuring has been performed several times, once by the American Renegade Company, and as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays, all performances in North Hollywood, California. |
MENDING 1 F; a male who has no lines, is optional Drama, Running time 5 minutes The room where the woman’s husband has his office In this monologue play, a very meek wife addresses her completely unresponsive husband. |
ON ScALE FROM 1 TO 10 1 M, 1 F (both “plain” looking) Dramedy A bedroom Running time 12 minutes Will the romance between two “plain” looking people break up? Both characters are in bed, eyes closed. Finally, Martin rises and delivers a long speech in which he rates both himself and his girlfriend Marlene on physical attractiveness, using a 1 to 10 scale. Finally he returns to bed and closes his eyes. Then Marlene rises and comments on what he said. He then gets up and they argue about what each of them said about themselves and each other. Do they ever get back into bed with each other? This play was performed as part of Bedroom Secrets, Fire Rose Productions’ show of one-act plays, North Hollywood, CA. |
PIGEONS 2 M, 1 F Comedy A park Running time 20 minutes Who has been killing the pigeons at the park?When the pigeon lady arrives at the park she realizes that the pigeons that usually frequent the park are gone. The man sitting on the bench says he doesn’t know what happened. The detective shows up and tells the two that the pigeons have been killed, poisoned by cyanide. The mystery finally is justly resolved by the end of the play.This play was performed as part of the Misconceptions productions. |
SEEING THE STAR AFTER THE SHOW 1 F, 5 flexible Comedy Outside the dressing room of the star of the play Running time 10 minutesThe lead actress thinks her performance has been just wonderful. Do her “friends”? When her “friends” come to visit her after the show and comment on her performance, she is oblivious to what they are really saying./br> |
SEX IS FOR THE HEART 1 M, 1 F Comedy Living room Running time 18 minutes A man recovering from a heart attack is reluctant to resume sex, much to the chagrin of his attractive and eager wife. This play was the basis of my full-length play, SEX IS GOOD FOR YOU! In this one-act comedy Al had a heart attack while making love with his wife. Now he’s reluctant to engage in bedroom behavior. Sheila, his eager wife, wants to. Badly! |
STUNG 1 M, 2 F Comedy Coffeehouse Running time 20 minutesCan a nerdy misfit pick up a sophisticated very attractive woman at the coffeehouse? Arnold, an awkward ill-dress man is rebuffed trying to pick up Deborah, a very sophisticated attractive woman at the coffeehouse. Linda, an equally nerdy woman, overly melodramatic, turns up and the two nerds sit down at a nearby table, where Deborah can overhear. Deborah determines that the others at one time were a couple living together. Linda has the remnants of a black eye, which Deborah assumes was given to her by Arnold. So, who does Arnold end up with? Or does he end up with anyone? |
THE ACT0R AND THE DIRECT0R 2 actors, either gender Comedy Rehearsal space, Running time 10 minutes Can a pompous director improve the performance of an actor in a 1 minute play contest?It’s the first rehearsal for a one-minute play, and the pompous director is attempting to pull a great performance from the actor, even utilizing quotes from famous directors such as Hitchcock, DeMille, and Bergman. |
THE HOLE 1 F, age 45-65 Drama A park Running time 12 minutes An older woman relives her childhood when her grandniece gets lost in the park. In this monologue play a woman recalls her abusive childhood where she was beaten by her father right in this park after she had gotten lost. Earlier in the current day she had taken her grandniece to this park, and Mindy became lost. Once Mindy has been located the angry grandaunt must now deal with her.The Hole has been performed as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays in North Hollywood, California. It was also a semi-finalist in the Secret Rose 10-minute Play Contest. |
THE LEMONADE GIRL 2 M, 1 F 8 years old, 1 either gender Comedy The street outside a home Running time 12 minutes A little girl calls for her policeman dad when two trash scavengers refuse to pay for the lemonade she served them. Two men scavenging trash on a scalding hot day buy homemade lemonade from an 8 year old girl. When they complain about her charging an outlandish price, she calls for her father, a policeman. The policeman sides with his daughter, and the trash guys must decide what to do. |
THE REHEARSAL 1M, 1 F Dramedy A stage Running time 20 minutes An odd behaving woman interrupts an actor while he’s rehearsing his monologue.Bill is rehearsing his monolog about how he never got enough attention from his important father. An odd woman interrupts him several times. After a while the woman chastises him for talking so badly about his father. It turns out that the woman is his mother, who, later, confesses to him what it was like for her being married to that man.This play was a semi-finalist in the Secret Rose 10-minute Play Contest. |
THE SPELLING BEE 3 flexible Comedy A classroom or a stage Running time 10 minutes Which eleven year old will win this year’s spelling bee, officiated by a pompous judge?The regional spelling bee is down to two remaining contestants, both eleven year olds. The judge, a pompous English professor, presents the words the contestants need to spell. One contestant seems to get all simple words, the other gets longer, more obscure words. Who wins? |
TOYS 1M, 1 F Drama Coffeehouse Running time 18 minutes Today is a special day for a schoolteacher, when she meets the owner of a toy company that makes toy guns. A schoolteacher and an owner of a toy company meet at a coffeehouse. Today is the anniversary of her son being killed by a gunshot fired by another student at his school. One of the products the toy company makes is toy guns. Toys was performed as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays, and also was performed in Lake Arrowhead, California. |
UNITY 1M, 2 F Drama Living room or bedroom Running time 10 minutes Unity is highly unusual in that each speech consists of just one word. |
WAITRESS 1 Female, 35-55 Drama Coffeehouse Running time 12 minutes What’s her life really about?In this monologue play a former child star, now working as a coffeehouse waitress, reflects on her life, and the possibilities for her return to stardom. Waitress has been performed as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays./br> |
TEACHING IMPROV 1 M, 1 F (any ages) 12 minutesIn this one-act, one character is seemingly teaching another actor how to get better at doing improv. The other actor seems to be doing everything wrong. But then come the two twists./br> |
1 M, 1 F (any ages) A man just knows just how to behave so he can interest a woman in going to bed with him. His ways are intentionally very subtle. They seem to be working. |
FAST FOOD ORDER 3 any gender (any ages) 12 minutes A cashier on his/her first day at a fast food restaurant has, as a first customer, someone who seems to take forever to place an order. |
STILL YOUNG ENOUGH 1 M, 1 F, both 65+ 15 minutes A senior male and a senior female meet on a blind date. They both seem to think it won’t work out. But does it? 2 M (one any age, the other 45) 15 minutesTwo unseen characters, mentioned in famous plays but never seen or heard, meet to form an organization of unseen actors. They are Godot, and Wingfield (the husband in The Glass Menagerie). |
ALBERT & MARILYN Comedy 1 F, 1 M Area near a swimming pool Running time 20 minutes The two characters seem a heck like Albert Einstein and an older Marilyn Monroe. |
AT THE POOL Comedy 1 F, 3 M Area by a swimming pool Running time 12 minutes Two kids interrupt their game of Marco Polo to befriend a man at the pool about the same age as their divorced mother. |
CHAPTER 3 Drama 1 F, 1 M Motel patio Running time 15 minutes A rich woman, making her annual trip west and staying at the motel, is told by the owner that he’s in the process of selling it. But he has other ideas. |
DANGER AT THE MOTEL Dramedy 2 F, 1 M Patio outside a motel Running time 12 minutes Two serial killers have been doing their work in the area. Two characters meet outside the motel. Is one a serial killer, or both, or neither?<</br?/td>. |
DEAR REBECCA Drama 2 any gender Motel patio Running time 12 minutes Suicide is discussed. Will one or both go ahead with it? |
FAST FOOD ORDER Comedy 1 F, 1 M, 1 any gender Cashier at fast food restaurant Running time 12 minutes An obnoxious customer takes forever to decide on his order. |
I’M TOXIC Dramedy 1 M, 1 F Any location Running time 10 minutesA couple interacts, but who is being toxic to whom? |
MICROAGGRESSIONS Dramedy 2 F, 3 M Outside a classroom Running time 12 minutesFour minorities (Black, Hispanic, Transsexual, Gay), waiting outside the classroom for the Microaggressions teacher to arrive, unknowingly display microaggressions against each other. |
PARTICIPANT OBSERVER Comedy 1 F, 1 M Motel pool area Running time 12 minutesA man tries to seduce a beautiful seemingly naïve young woman, unaware of why she is actually there. |
PROVEN SUBTLE WAYS OF GETTING SOMEONE YOU’VE JUST MET INTO BED Comedy 1 F, 1 M Restaurant Running time 10 minutesA woman who has just met a gorgeous man is suspicious that he is maneuvering to have sex with her, using ‘proven ways’ of being successful. She doesn’t mind, does she? |
RENEWING VOWS Drama 1 F, 1 M Lawn or patio outside a motel Running time minutesAn elderly father is about to renew his wedding vows to his wife, who has passed away. He has asked one of his daughters to accompany him to join the other celebrants. There’s a reason why he chose her.,/td> |
STILL YOUNG ENOUGH? Comedy 1 F, 1 M A park Running time 12 minutes 2 seniors meet on a blind date. He’s interested in ultimately having sex. Is she? |
TEACHING IMPROV Comedy 2 actors, any age/gender Any location Running time 12 minutes One actor seems to have problems following the rules of improv acting. The other actor tries to set that first actor straight, |
THE PEACOCKS PEP TALK There are 2 version of this play, one for mostly a male cast, and one a mostly female cast Comedy 1 M, 5 F or 1 F, 5 M A park area near a softball field Running time 20 minutes It’s between games of a doubleheader, and the Peacocks were just clobbered in the first game. The Coach is exasperated. |
THEY HATE ME Dramedy 2 F, 1 M Living room set Running time 15 minutes A woman returns home from work convinced that just about everybody at work hates her. |
UNSEEN CHARACTERS Comedy 2 M A patio outside a motel Running time 12 minutes The two characters are Godot and Amanda’s husband from The Glass Menagerie. They are there to discuss forming an organization of characters described but never actually appearing on stage. |
UNWELCOME VISITOR (Zoom play) Comedy 2 F, 3 M Zoom session Running time 15 minutes A playwright’s play is been read over Zoom when an intruder somehow breaks into the session |