I have written several monologue plays. These are more than just monologues that are isolated speeches from longer plays.
Each monologue play has a plot, a story that the protagonist tells, revealing himself or herself.
1, either F or M, 30+
No set required
Running time 10 minutes
A person reflects on a former pet.
Copernicus was the name of the cat that the character owned for many years when he/she was a young child. After many years Copernicus needed to be put down. The character reflects on a replacement.
1 Male, age 60
Running time 15 minutes
In this monologue play (a highly personal one to me) a man visits the grave of his mother, to break news about himself.
In the process he reflects on the poor relationship he had with his father, buried nearby, and ultimately reaches an insight which turns his perspective upside down. Graveside was performed as part of the Misconceptions program of one-acts.
1 Male, age 35-45
Either a coffeehouse or a park
Running time 12 minutes
A very observant Jew is stressed out because of his profession – flight controller.
He is angry at his God for feeling this way. He gradually works out his feelings as he begins, unknowingly, to speak in verse. Performed as part of the one-act program, Private People In Public Places, at the Lonny Chapman Group Repertory Theatre, and also in the Misconceptions line-up.
1 person, either gender, any age
The actor relates what he/she doesn’t believe or care about. But why is this being said? A monolog about caring and believing. But is it true?
No set required
7 minutes
1 F; a male who has no lines, is optional
The room where the woman’s husband has his office
Running time 5 minutes
In this monologue play, a very meek wife addresses her completely unresponsive husband.
She tells him that she doesn’t feel she’s getting enough of his attention and that she knows about his affairs.
1 Female, age 45-65
A park
Running time 12 minutes
An older woman relives her childhood when her grandniece gets lost in the park.
In this monologue play a woman recalls her abusive childhood where she was beaten by her father right in this park after she had gotten lost. Earlier in the current day she had taken her grandniece to this park, and Mindy became lost. Once Mindy has been located the angry grandaunt must now deal with her.
The Hole was performed as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays.
It was a semi-finalist in the Secret Rose 10-minute Play Contest.
1 Female, 35-55
Running time 12 minutes
What’s her life really about?
In this monologue play a former child star, now working as a coffeehouse waitress, reflects on her life, and the possibilities for her return to stardom. Waitress has been performed as part of the Misconceptions slate of one-act plays.
1 male, 45+
An acting student taking lessons from a master teacher is asked to act like a table. At first he does not know how to create the table physically. After finally deciding how to do this he later becomes very successful with his one-person show with that theme.
1 male, 65+
An older playwright with writer’s block is asked by the leader of a playwright group he belongs to to write a short play or monolog with the title, ‘My Newest Challenge’. While he dislikes this idea because it is just another gimmick he proceeds to tell the audience about major challenges he’s had in his lifetime.