Books continued

I’m Wrong, I’m Sorry, I Love You! (INSERT LINK)
Getting along with your mate after a squabble
A survival manual for men
This is sort of a spoof, but also contains a lots of useful advice.
Living with a woman can be pleasure on earth, but sadly, it’s sometimes
quite difficult. In this book, part spoof and part truth-telling, psychologist
Shulman provides a survival manual to men with a woman as a mate for
those difficult times when he gets in trouble with her.
The major piece of the manual’s advice is the title. Tell her, “I’m wrong.
I’m sorry. I love you.”
But there’s a lot more to it than that. There are many more things the
judicious man needs to know in order to properly implement this advice.
Tyrus Carson’s Ride (INSERT LINK)
A Western coming of age story
Filled with action, romance, and even some philosophy.
In this coming-of-age novel we follow the action-packed exploits of 19
year old Tyrus Carson and his horse Whisper, in the early 19th century, as
he tries to find his purpose in life.
Starting from his soldier days we follow Tyrus’ adventures as he makes
his way home after a near-death experience. This important fast-moving
novel also deals with issues such as friendship, romance, the treatment of
Native-Americans and of women, revenge, and family.
Barnaby Brain (INSERT LINK)
An illustrated children’s book about a brain who transforms into a whole
In the beginning, Barnaby was just a brain. But because he kept thinking
and thinking, he invented himself into a whole real boy, ready for life’s
adventures. Young kids will love seeing Barnaby turn into a boy and meet
someone new.